Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions, advice and support for parents and students looking for further infomation about Zawiyah

General Question

A list of Frequently asked questions

Where are your classes held?

Marlborough Primary School
Marlborough Hill

Classes are currently held Sunday 9:15am – 12:00pm

What do you teach? Are you teaching Qur'an? Do you have have a Syllabus?

Please refer to our Curriculum page

How do I register my chid?

Please complete the Online Application Form

We will contact you to confirm receipt and answer any questions you may have.

If you do not have access to a printer, a form can be requested by post.  Please use the Contact Us page to provide your name and address.

Can my child enrol midway through a term?

Yes, please complete the Online Application Form

We will contact you to confirm receipt and answer any questions you may have.

If you do not have access to a printer, a form can be requested by post.  Please use the Contact Us page to provide your name and address.

Do you set homework?

Students will be required to review learnings between classes. Parents should encourage and support this.

Who are your teachers? What are their qualifications?

Please refer to our Teachers Page

Do you offer discount?

No additional fees are charged to families with more than 2 children attending Zawiyah i.e. a family with 3 or 4 Zawiyah students will only need to pay fees for 2 of them.

Do you offer extra curricular actives?

We are continually looking to develop a range of extracurricular activities to support students, their families and the wider community. Our gallery page contains details of past events. Please subscribe

What ages do you teach?

Zawiyah teaches children and young adults aged 6 to 16.

How do I make payment?

We will accept credit or debit card payments or you can pay by bank transfer to:

Barclays Bank

Account Number: 232 530 23

Sort Code: 20-92-63

Reference: Childs full name

How do I donate?

If you would like to make a donation by direct bank transfer to support our activities:

Barclays Bank
Account Number: 232 530 23
Sort Code: 20-92-63

Please contact us if you would like to make a donation by debit card payment.

If you are a UK taxpayer and complete a Gift Aid declaration, we can claim an additional 25% on the value of your eligible donation. Please contact us to complete a declaration

When are classes held?

Our classes are held from 9:30am till 12:30pm term time. For further information visit our Term Dates Page

Online classes are currently held from 10am till 11:15am.

What are your fees?

Please refer to your Term Dates & Fees page.

Who is running Zawiyah?

Details of the Management Committee and Teaching Team are on the website

How do you track student progress?

We regularly monitor student progress and keep the parents informed through parents mornings and regular feedback . Termly tests and annual exams are held. A formal school report is issued for each student, highlighting positives and areas of improvement.

Why have you set this up?

In response to demand for high quality Islamic education (not just Qu’ranic teaching) at a professionally run Sunday school

Do children need to wear a uniform?

We are currently reviewing whether there is a need for a uniform policy and will keep parents informed. As part of our inclusive ethos we do not want the need to wear a uniform to be barrier to children attending

Are teachers DBS checked?

Yes all teachers and volunteers are DBS checked.

Do you close for Ramadan?

Please refer to our Term Dates & Fees Page

Are you a registered UK charity?

We are registered with the Charity Commission:

Registration number 1191296

Other Services

Zawiyah provides a host of services for the community

Mental Health Awareness

As part of the continuous improvement at Zawiyah, the teaching staff have completed Youth Mental Health First Aid training.

This internationally recognised qualification will allow us at Zawiyah to further service community needs, and at a time where mental health is a growing problem.

If you would like to know more please get in touch with a member of the Zawiyah team.

GCSE Maths Tution

Zawiyah offers free GCSE maths classes to any students studying to take GCSE Maths

COVID19 Awareness

Zawiyah is working in partnership with Harrow Council to help provide information about the COVID-19 vaccine to the harder to reach communities.

On our website you will find some useful information about the how the vaccination works and answers common questions:

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