Zawiyah Team

We are very proud to have such a talented and dedicated team of staff, both teaching and support to help your child make the most of every opportunity in school.

Meet The Team

Our Teaching team at Zawiyah consists of

Usthada Jannat Jahan
0203 389 2620


Usthada Aisha Rafiq
0203 389 2620


Usthad Khalid Rafiq
0203 389 2620


Usthad Qasim Latif
0203 389 2620


Zawiyah Management

The Zawiyah management and trustee team is made up of five highly qualified people with a wealth of experience.

Mohammad Ilyas is an Aerospace Engineer by profession. He has extensive experience of working within engineering teams equipping him with technical and project management expertise. He has also been a Lecturer teaching Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering students. Ilyas is the Head Teacher of Zawiyah in a volunteer capacity, Trustee and a member of the Management Committee.
Mohammad Ilyas


Mohammed Abdul Rahman is a founding member of Zawiyah, Trustee and is a Pharmacist by profession with over 20 years’ management experience within the healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors. He also has significant experience of actively supporting community initiatives. He has previously been a Trustee of two registered charities including one Mosque. He has previously launched a successful Saturday Supplementary School and fundraised for many local charities (including St Luke’s Hospice and Sufra) and disaster relief appeals.

Mohammed is a founding member of Zawiyah and member of the Management Committee. He is also the Governance Lead utilising his extensive experience of developing and implementing policies, procedures and frameworks to deliver services in a safe, robust and legally compliant way.

Mohammed Rahman


Mohamed is a founding member of Zawiyah, Trustee and is a Financial Adviser with over 10 years’ experience in his field. Mohamed has been involved with various community initiatives whilst also serving as Head Teacher of a voluntary run Supplementary School with 80 pupils. Mohamed is a founding member of Zawiyah and the Safeguarding and Operational Lead for the Management Committee.
Mohamed Poonawala


Khalid is a founding member of Zawiyah, Trustee and is a Finance professional with expertise developed from over 20 years’ experience of working within large organisations. He has 15 years’ experience of being a Trustee of an Islamic Charity and has previously been a School Governor for ten years; three of which as Chair of Governors. Khalid is a founding member of Zawiyah and the Finance Lead for the Management Committee.
Khalid Rafiq


Qasim is a founding member of Zawiyah, Trustee and is a Solutions Architect Consultant with over 10 years’ experience of providing expertise in his field. Recently Qasim was invited to become a Community School Governor Vice Chair following his successful time as a Trustee at a local Islamic Charity. Over 5 years Qasim has set up a number of initiatives for the children of Harrow and local areas. Qasim is a founding member of Zawiyah and the IT Lead for the Management Committee.
Qasim Latif


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